Here is Max looking oh so cool in his jean jacket, cargo pants and little blue shoes. He has been doing much practicing of his walking with his baby walker. All of the practicing is starting to pay off! He took his first steps this past Saturday for Daddy. Way to go, kiddo!

Here are Max and Daddy doing some bonding after Daddy got home from work. Max loves having his 'Booka's' read to him!

After reading the booka, it's time to wrastle!!
For a while there, it seemed like all Max did was eat and sleep. Now, for the past week he is doing all of these new things - starting to walk, saying new words, getting taller (again), figuring out how to play with different toys in new ways, and much more. It is starting to feel like we have a little boy instead of a baby! Bring on the next round of 'babyproofing' the house!