Thursday, November 06, 2008

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Char's favorite question lately has been what animal is that?  
Which sounds like, 'Wha' ammo zat?'

Sometimes she is pointing to an actual animal (cat, dog, squirrel, bird) or to a stuffed animal, but she could just as well be pointing to a spider, fly, or a leaf on a tree.  Someday we'll teach her what the word animal means.  ;)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Tonight, we opened the bottle of 1992 Dom Perignon that we have been saving for a special occasion.  Yes.  We do believe.  
Yes we can.

I Don't Ever Want To Leave!

Saturday, we went to OMSI with Grandma Meier and cousin Robin.  The kids headed straight for the water:
Max got just a little excited with the whole thing:
(Note the Diego Rescue Pack still on his back!)
I managed to get Max away from the water for a bit and into a pretend tree trunk with super size plastic acorns:
Snack time:

What a fun (and exhausting) time we had!

Trick or Treat!!

We had a fun (and wet) Halloween this year.  Grandma & Grandpa Meier, cousin Robin, and neighbors Breein, Timothy, and baby Koen all came over for dinner and some trick-or-treating.
Char had to try on Grandma's hat:

Diego and the Princess:
(Dada was having them do arm motions to keep them standing together for the photo session)

The rainy trick-or-treating:

Dada in his Mexican Wrestler costume with Max trying to sound just as scary in his Diego costume:
Char didn't recognize Dada in his costume:

Let the sugar coma begin!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cutie Pie

I managed to get this shot of Char this afternoon while she ate her snack.  
Couldn't you just eat her up?!?

Hello, Jack O'Lantern

Well, Dada was really hoping for another pumpkin carving session like he had last year with Max.  Last year, Max was really into the process and was pretty much glued to Dada's side through the whole thing.  This year not so much.
So, Dada had a not so much fun time cleaning out and carving all 5 pumpkins.  Behold:

At least the kids consented to posing with Dada by the pumpkins!

Howdy Y'all

Last week Dada brought a special present home for Max:

No, not the planes.

Max really enjoyed wearing his new hat while he sat playing that day.  Now it sits in the toy bin.  What can I say?  He's not really a hat kind of kid.

The Punkin Patch!

Last week we went to the local farm to climb on bales of hay and pick out some pumpkins.  It was a perfect day for it - sunny and crisp.
Here is Max climbing on the 'Hay Pyramid':
Char the eater-girl had to have an additional snack while we were out there:
Some kids from Max's class (including Charlie) singing a song:
Char sitting on a bale of hay in the hay maze:
Max on the hayride out to the pumpkin field:
Charlie on the hayride:
Since we have ended up with many pumpkins here this year (the subject of a post yet to come), I cooked a small one up and made pumpkin bars this weekend.  Yummy Fall cooking!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Don't Be Such A Square

Apparently there is more than one function for crayons:

I never knew.  Pretty cool, Max!

Be Cool.

The other day Dada dressed Char to go outside.  The result:

You stay cool, y'hear?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


The whole reason the extension ladder was out was so Dada could get up on the roof to add some much needed finish trim to the outsides of Max's and Charlie's bedroom windows.  After getting nailed in the head with a falling chestnut, Dada got out his hard hat.  Who can blame him?

Dada, workin':
Dada, workin' it:
Nice overalls.

This Isn't A Toy?!?

Kids are so funny.
Check out the great play structure in the background with the cool yellow slide and swings.  What is it that Max and Charlie choose to play on?  The extension ladder that Dada has temporarily set on the ground.

Well, at least they are having fun and staying out of trouble!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Cat Fixation

If there were any doubt about how strong Charlie is, here is proof that she could be a tiny tot weight lifter:

Mommy carries around Cliffy, why can't I?

Oof.  Hey, Cliffy, you ever think about going on a diet?

No Cliffy!  Don't run!  Why do you run away from me?!

Oh Cliffy, you are my favorite.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Walking for the Cure

Yesterday I walked in the Portland Race for the Cure with my mom, Gail (center, in survivor pink) and my mom-in-law, Roselyn (right).

Look at the crowd!  And this is while we were just trying to cross the starting line.
This is almost to the half-way point.  You can see how far people are going in front of us, and it was the same behind us - over 45,000 people participated!
Woo hoo!  This was my 5th year of participation, and for the first time ever I asked for sponsorships with the goal of raising $77, the cost of one mammogram for a woman without healthcare coverage.  My friends really came through - and donated $152 for me!!
Thank you!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Flowbee Round 1

Dada decided that he wanted to give Max a Flowbee haircut instead of taking him in to pay for a haircut.  So he borrowed a flowbee from friends to see if it would work out before buying one.  He carefully explained to Max that the vacuum would be running and it would be loud but that it is just a haircut and it might tickle a little bit.

Evidently it did tickle a bit at first!

Charlie felt it important to comfort Max by holding on to his legs and saying 'OK, Max' over and over.  Not sure it actually comforted Max, but cute nonetheless.

Max really didn't like the trimming around the ears.

Then Dada used the flowbee on himself.

Not bad haircuts, eh?


These ones are just because I think she is so darn cute.
Hugging Buddha has lately become very important when we are playing in the back yard.

SO photogenic!
I made the little capri pants she is wearing, but she refused to model them standing up.

School At Last!

Preschool begins at last for Max.
Yesterday morning was Max's first day at preschool for this year.  Of course I forgot to take his picture before we left in the morning so I had to try to get one of him after lunch.

Hopefully next year I can remember to take his picture in front of the dogwood again!

Friday, August 22, 2008

His Best Cheerleader

Overheard this morning as the cars are whizzing across the dining room floor:
(Max) 'Woohoo! Yay Max! Good job!'

Well, I guess when you need to be cheered on and are playing by yourself, you do what you need to do, right?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Max's Bike

This year Max has graduated from a tricycle to a big boy bike with all the wheels.
He and Dada went on a special shopping trip the morning of his birthday to pick it out.

It didn't take him long to have his first spill,
but Dada helped him up

And he got right back on. What a tough guy!

Happy Birthday Max!!