I know it has been a very long time since my last post. It is difficult to get new photos of the kids (especially Charlie) when the newest addition to the family (namely, Charlie) won't let me put her down without a scream-fest! She very much prefers to be held, and if she is at all tired and cranky, held while standing and doing that bouncing-swaying move that mom's know really well. No sitting on the job allowed!
So, here are a few pictures I have managed to get in the past couple of weeks:
So, here are a few pictures I have managed to get in the past couple of weeks:
Max had a playdate with his friend Mary Kate last week. Isn't she just the cutest? It looks like she is posing for one of those most adorable baby calendars!

Here is Charlie in one of here quiet moments on the changing table. The screaming began right after I took the photo!