OK, so now on January 10th I am finally getting the Christmas photos up and entry written. I admit to being a slacker on this. Busy mom, yes, but slacker nonetheless!
Thank you to all who have written encouraging notes - so glad that you actually do check the blog occasionally! ;)
This is the photo shoot I did of the kids for our annual calendar. Their Grandma Nutmeg gets the kids Christmas sweaters every year and the kids were so happy to put them on!

Max wasn't really that into making the Christmas cookies this year, but very much enjoyed licking the beater!

Cookie batter face!

We spent Christmas eve at Grandma and Grandpa Nutmeg's house. Charlie really liked playing with the dog's toys.

It took a bit for Max to warm up, but once he got going, he wanted to open all the presents!

Grandma Nutmeg found the cutest little chair for Charlie!

Max received a shopping cart and cash register, with a bunch of play food and groceries for him to cart around!

Charlie tried the whole evening to cuddle up to Nutmeg. Nutmeg would put up with it for a while...

and then make her exit.

Dada and Charlie enjoying some snuggle time.

Nutmeg thought she was safe up on Grandma's lap!

Christmas morning we spent at home having a nice time opening presents and having a big breakfast before bundling up and heading down to my parents house for the remainder of the day. Somehow we didn't end up with any pictures from down there! Shame on me. It was a crazy time down there, with a relatively small house filled with 22 people and 8 grandchildren! Good thing Grandma and Grandpa Kody have a living room, a family room, and a separate sun room to house the Christmas tree!