With our new TV room now in use, it became quite apparent that the kids needed some seating of their own. So Dada found a couple of leather kid-size loungers for them. Too bad Max doesn't know how to kick back and relax!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Reducing our Carbon Footprint
With our move to north Portland almost 18 months ago, Dada has been riding his bike to work most days. Since the bus stop is directly in front of our house and lets Dada off 4 blocks from his work on the days that he is unable to ride his bike, there is no reason to drive/own/maintain a 2nd vehicle. So we listed it on craigslist and it sold in a little over a week! The buyer actually drove down from Vancouver B.C just to buy the car! I was very sad to see it go - it was my first brand new car and I loved it dearly, but wasn't the practical car to keep in the midst of all of our home remodeling and other adventures.
The other advantage to selling it is now we have the funds to start the next house project this coming spring - a new mudroom at the back of the house and a new deck/patio to increase the livability of the back yard. Woohoo!
Follow Me!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving! Where's my walking shoes?
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
We had a wonderful day here yesterday, cleaning the house, preparing food, and of course the afternoon libations!
We had a wonderful day here yesterday, cleaning the house, preparing food, and of course the afternoon libations!
This year, Dada had his heart set on trying a Turducken (a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey - all boneless!!) so he was in complete charge of the main course, including the 'carving'. Not so much carving as slicing, really, due to the lack of bones.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Blue Room
As anyone who has been to our house in the past 3 months has seen, we have had an empty room downstairs ever since Dada finished the 2nd floor. Max had this room at the base of the stairs until he moved up to his orange room ('Max's Ohnch Woom', as he calls it). We have been planning for quite a while to turn it into a TV/media room but just hadn't done any work on it.
Yesterday we decided it was a project day and spent the whole day working on it - cleaning it up, painting, moving in furniture and electronics. Here is a photo after 1 coat of paint:
Yesterday we decided it was a project day and spent the whole day working on it - cleaning it up, painting, moving in furniture and electronics. Here is a photo after 1 coat of paint:
Later in the evening, after the kids went to bed, I 'helped' Dada get the electronics moved in there. Here is a photo of my help:
Here are the kids enjoying the new room this morning as they watched their morning cartoons. Isn't it beautiful?!? I just love the color.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Our Little Hipster
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Dada's Latest Project
All kidding aside, this is his new much needed work bench. Now maybe we will both be able to find something, anything, down in the basement!!
Pumpkins into Jack O'Lanterns
Max and Dada did the carving of the Jack o'lanterns this year. Here they are cutting the lids and cleaning out all of the gunk.
Breakfast out with the girls
We have a group of alumna from Cottey College in the Portland area and we try to get together for breakfast once a month (sometimes with all of the busy schedules it is every other month!). Here are those of us that were able to attend this past gathering. From left to right, Maggie, Dena, Kristin, me, and the baby on the right is Kristin's youngest, Lily.
Hopefully we'll have a few more at the next breakfast! (Although, it was really great to have more time to talk and hear from each person with the smaller group)
What's an Oreo?
Dada decided not too long ago that the kids should have their first oreo experience. He got mint double stuff - what a first try!
It's been a while...
Yes, it has been quite a while since my last post. The memory card in my camera decided to go kablooey and took with it about a months worth of pictures, which entirely took the wind out of my sails for a while on taking pictures at all not to mention posting on the blog. So here goes a whirl wind posting session!
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