Friday, August 22, 2008

His Best Cheerleader

Overheard this morning as the cars are whizzing across the dining room floor:
(Max) 'Woohoo! Yay Max! Good job!'

Well, I guess when you need to be cheered on and are playing by yourself, you do what you need to do, right?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Max's Bike

This year Max has graduated from a tricycle to a big boy bike with all the wheels.
He and Dada went on a special shopping trip the morning of his birthday to pick it out.

It didn't take him long to have his first spill,
but Dada helped him up

And he got right back on. What a tough guy!

Happy Birthday Max!!

The Big Party

This past Saturday was the big day! It was a hot one, too, so out came the small pool and sprinkler for the kids (and a few of the adults too).

The kids really enjoyed the cupcake display and of course the singing of the birthday song.
After the food had been eaten and icy beverages enjoyed, we hope that everyone had as good a time as we did.

Happy Birthday Max & Charlie!!

Uninvited Guests

On the day of the big birthday party I went out to the back yard in the morning to water the garden and heard a funny hissing sound. I looked up, and there were 4 raccoons on top of the fence, not more than 15 feet from me. I immediately dropped the hose and ran in to get the camera!

They watched my every move and eventually continued along the fence to the neighbors fence. Whew. Don't want to make that a regular visit!
I wonder where they sleep. It's not like we live out in the country or anything. Under someone's front porch? They are nocturnal so it has to be some place very quiet during the day.

Don't know. Goodbye Raccoons!

Charlie's 2nd Birthday

Oh my, it has been well over a month since my last post. Well, this is the perfect reason to get back into it; my youngest child turning two! Hard to believe that two years ago we had an early party for Max's 2nd birthday and then the next morning went in to the hospital to have Charlie.
The big party this year fell right on Max's birthday, but we wanted Charlie's actual day to also have some fanfare. This year she received from us a wooden dollhouse. Both kids love it!

Wow - I actually get to have my picture on the blog? Amazing.

Max has to be told frequently that this is Charlie's new toy and to not take things from her!

Char through the dollhouse window

Mama and Char through the dollhouse window

Happy Birthday beautiful girl!!