Oh - it is a little hard to see in this picture, but notice that there are almost no ornaments on the lower half of the tree! Max helped me put some of the ornaments up, but every time he took one off of the tree I put it up where he couldn't reach it - slowly but surely all of the ones he put on the tree migrated upward. We'll try again next year to keep little fingers off of the tree! (Just in time for Charlie to start grabbing at it) ;P
Monday, December 25, 2006
Oh - it is a little hard to see in this picture, but notice that there are almost no ornaments on the lower half of the tree! Max helped me put some of the ornaments up, but every time he took one off of the tree I put it up where he couldn't reach it - slowly but surely all of the ones he put on the tree migrated upward. We'll try again next year to keep little fingers off of the tree! (Just in time for Charlie to start grabbing at it) ;P
Christmas Eve
(or as Max calls them, Grandma and Grandma)
for Christmas Eve. This picture is toward the end of the gift opening. The kids really made a haul off of Grandma & Grandma! It was a lot of fun watching Max open presents and play with all of his new toys. Next year Charlie will get in on the action!
for Christmas Eve. This picture is toward the end of the gift opening. The kids really made a haul off of Grandma & Grandma! It was a lot of fun watching Max open presents and play with all of his new toys. Next year Charlie will get in on the action!
True Friends
Friday, December 15, 2006
Charlie-girl at 4 months
Weight 14 lbs 5 oz - 75th percentile
Height 25-3/4" - 95th percentile
Head 42.4 cm - 90th percentile
After having such huge measurements at 2 months, she is now much more in line with how big Max was at this age. She is also now figuring out that she has hands, blowing raspberries, and talking and squealing more and more. Such joyful sounds! She and Max are also discovering each other more each day. Max is spending more time talking to Charlie, and Charlie thinks that Max is pretty fascinating and watches him any time he is within her view. I'm sure lots of laughter is just around the corner between the two of them.
Speaking of laughter, Charlie had her first laugh a couple of days ago! What an exciting thing to hear. I'll try my best to get a video of it to post. Until next time...
Saturday, November 25, 2006
More of Charlie Smiling
Got lucky yesterday with a couple of good shots of Charlie smiling and laughing. They are off-center because I still have to hold the camera away from my face and hope it is pointed in the right direction!
Charlie's big smiles are huge open mouth smiles, and I have seen pictures of myself at that age with the same smile so she comes by it honestly.
Here is the cute girl:
Charlie's big smiles are huge open mouth smiles, and I have seen pictures of myself at that age with the same smile so she comes by it honestly.
Here is the cute girl:

Messy Art

Sunday, November 19, 2006
More and more...
Every time we rediscover either pictures or videos of Max from his first year, we find more and more that Charlie really does look like Max! Case in point:
This is Max at 7 months. Isn't that hilarious?!
This is Max at 7 months. Isn't that hilarious?!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Charlie Smiles!
This past weekend the kids and I went down to my parents house for the weekend, and were able to help their cousin Brad celebrate his 7th birthday!

I have been meaning to get these pictures up for two weeks now! Well, here they are (finally).
Somehow I didn't manage to get a picture of Max's entire costume, but here he is as a train engineer. The rest of it was a Thomas the train ("Thomas the tank engine" as Max would say) that went around his midsection with suspender style straps. Boy, he sure doesn't look too thrilled to have his picture taken!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Our playgroup went to the pumpkin patch out in North Plains yesterday morning. Max and Wolfie had fun following each other around the field, each taking turns tripping over the vines and getting muddy. Fun!

I was a little worried about how I could possibly carry a baby in the front pack, hold a 2yo's hand and carry punkin's back from the field... but Max sat very well in a wheelbarrow with the punkin's and even my purse! Thank heaven for wheelbarrows! (Who would have ever thought I would utter those words?!?)
Silly kids!
Here are a few random pictures of the kids:
Charlie is having a quiet moment sitting in the high chair.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Boys Will Be Boys

Monday, October 16, 2006
Charlie had her 2 month checkup this morning, and everything has checked out just fine:
weight 12lb 1.5oz - 95th percentile
length 23-3/4 inches - Off the chart!
Head 15-3/4 inches - 97th percentile
We are already switching her to size 2 diapers because of her chubby little thighs.
So, she's big, but at least she's proportionate!
Here is a video of the kids the other day:
Note that Charlie isn't screaming!
weight 12lb 1.5oz - 95th percentile
length 23-3/4 inches - Off the chart!
Head 15-3/4 inches - 97th percentile
We are already switching her to size 2 diapers because of her chubby little thighs.
So, she's big, but at least she's proportionate!
Here is a video of the kids the other day:
Note that Charlie isn't screaming!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
2 is Much Harder Than 1...
I know it has been a very long time since my last post. It is difficult to get new photos of the kids (especially Charlie) when the newest addition to the family (namely, Charlie) won't let me put her down without a scream-fest! She very much prefers to be held, and if she is at all tired and cranky, held while standing and doing that bouncing-swaying move that mom's know really well. No sitting on the job allowed!
So, here are a few pictures I have managed to get in the past couple of weeks:
So, here are a few pictures I have managed to get in the past couple of weeks:
Max had a playdate with his friend Mary Kate last week. Isn't she just the cutest? It looks like she is posing for one of those most adorable baby calendars!

Here is Charlie in one of here quiet moments on the changing table. The screaming began right after I took the photo!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Family Addition
I managed to get a picture of Dada with the kids. Max is obviously Dada's boy - he can't tear his eyes away from the laptop! Poor Dada - he's looking pretty tired, isn't he?

Charlie's stats at birth:
8 lb 14 oz
21" long
14 1/2" head
Stats at her 2 week checkup:
9 lb 6 oz
21 1/2" long
14 3/4" head
The pediatrician's comment: "Well, you have obviously been successful with the breastfeeding!"
For more pictures, check out our flickr site:
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Max's birthday party!
We had a party for Max's 2nd birthday this afternoon - yes, just one day before going in to deliver baby girl - so that Max would be able to have a day all to himself.
Here he is, about to enjoy his birthday cupcake:
Here he is, about to enjoy his birthday cupcake:

All of the kids enjoyed Max's new play kitchen and accessories... no matter where the birthday boy was at the moment!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
A Child of the 21st Century

Monday, July 24, 2006
Too hot!
We have had some unusually warm weather here in the rose city for the past few days. Typically, even if the temperature does go up, it isn't too bad because it is only slightly humid, if at all. Well, over the weekend it felt downright muggy, like we were in the midwest (or east, or south; pretty much anywhere but here!). We Oregonians just aren't used to that and tend to wilt pretty easily.
That having been said, we pretty much stayed in the house today to try to stay out of the heat. We don't have central air conditioning, but it does stay 10-15 degrees cooler in the house than outside. Max was too warm with clothes on, so he ran around the house in just a diaper.
When it is hot, and you have gotten a bit bored of Mama's entertainment, what's the most fun thing to do?
That having been said, we pretty much stayed in the house today to try to stay out of the heat. We don't have central air conditioning, but it does stay 10-15 degrees cooler in the house than outside. Max was too warm with clothes on, so he ran around the house in just a diaper.
When it is hot, and you have gotten a bit bored of Mama's entertainment, what's the most fun thing to do?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Gaga's birthday

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Party on, Wayne!
We had a little gathering yesterday so that folks could see the new digs, and ended up spending the whole time in the back yard! Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying the warm weather.
Naked little boy #1 is Tabor, Naked little boy #2 is Wolfie, Swim diaper little boy is my nephew Benny, and then there is Max in his too cute shirt. The pool was a big hit!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Hooray for sunshine!
Max has been going a little stir-crazy lately, which is easily fixed by spending some time outside - either in our backyard or the local park. But this past week the weather has been a bit iffy so it was a big relief to finally have some real sunshine this afternoon!
Friday, June 09, 2006
I'm back... sort of
Oh, my... it has been a LONG time since I last posted!! I had no idea how much the combination of all of the goings on we've had in our lives in the past couple of months would overwhelm me ... moving, trying to find particular items in the boxes in the basement, chasing Max around (while 6-7 months pregnant!) oh, and I am also making 5 bridesmaid dresses right now. Anyway, here are some new pictures I have taken in the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!
Max really has a thing for buttons of all kinds, and here his cousin Shelby is playing on a handheld game unit, which Max found endlessly fascinating. Actually, Shelby was really patient with him until he turned it off and she lost all of her points! Sorry, Shelby.
I have been having a harder and harder time getting Max to sit/lie still while I change his clothes. Some days I catch him as he runs by and remove one clothing item at a time, and then try to get his diaper changed, and then have to catch him again to get clean clothes on him. He has a great time running around in just a diaper, as you can see!

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